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Meow Mix
Asian Market #3 - Made in West of Asia
// article by Meow

Don't miss the previous episodes of the Asian Market Chronicles: Part 1, which can be found here, and Part 2, which can be found here.

In the desserts and treats aisle of the market, not only did I find the matcha items from Part 1, but I also found a wide variety of wafer cookies which didn't really look Asian, but they had a lot of nice flavors such as cappuccino (and you know how I like my coffee confections), Coconut, Black Currant, and many others. Due to a slight misunderstanding, I thought these to be about 2/5 the price they really were, making me go from "hot dang, I'm going to be living it up" to "uh, let's just get the flavor I'm most interested in right now". I ultimately decided on Tiramisu to get a taste of chocolate and coffee, though I really wanted to also get black currant, but we'll have to save that for another day.


Boasting about being #1 in Italy, refined to have more cocoa and coffee taste (and other silly things), these wafer cookies are small squares of the typical wafer-filling-wafer-filling-wafer-etc stacking of tasty goodness you'd get for any standard wafer cookie. Where this stands out is the filling; it definitely has a coffee taste and a cocoa taste, and I love it. The wafer itself is also flaky and nice. It doesn't stand out apart from the other decent-quality wafers I've had, but is definitely not bad like cheapo brands can be. As it is, the filling is definitely where it's at.

Now, as I've alluded to a few times in the previous two parts, these cookies are not from Asia. They are, in fact, made in Austria. That, however, doesn't change the fact they're freaking delicious wafer cookies. So much so that I have to consciously keep them away from me lest I consume the whole bag prematurely, much to my simultaneous pleasure and dismay. If they didn't have the hefty price tag, though, I'd probably think about getting them more often. I guess I'll look around and see if I can locate a more I'm-unable-to-afford-living-why-am-I-burning-money-on-novelties price, but Amazon themselves are pricier than I what I've paid, so who knows.

Join us next time for the epic finale to grand Asian Market Chronicles where we examine a variety of different ramen, including one made with artificial beef! Ohhhhhh boy.

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