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Meow Mix
Asian Market #2 - Wishing For Chips
// article by Meow

If you haven't read part 1 of this bout of Asian Market silliness, click here.

Continuing the adventures of items purchased from this Asian Market, today we have two flavors of chips from Potato Wish. There are almost no English characters on these packages, but from the runes which are inscribed, I have to venture a guess that these came from China. However, the packages ensure me that they are "non-fried" and "zero-trans. fat".

The packaging of these are made of cardboard and are octagonal tubes with the front, back, and sides being twice as long as the others. Within the boxes are two foil packages of stacked crisps. And now, for the flavors.


In an almost nostalgic return to a flavor seen before in the Meow Mix articles, beef makes a return as these odd chip-like items. These crisps are more akin to Pringles than actual potato chips, almost being like pre-formed crackers made out of potato, which gives them an interesting texture. The beef flavor tastes like a generic sort of beef bouillon or something; if you're wanting to eat a snack that tastes like beef broth, here you go.


Yeah, you know I've gotta go for the weird ones. Gotta live life, after all. When I got this, I wasn't honestly expecting a whole ton, just having a sweet tasting crisp was all I was thinking, and that was fine by me considering I had a serious sweet-tooth when shopping this particular time. However, I got so much more. There is a sort of ... I dunno, lactic sort of taste, as well as honey. And being such a massive fan of dairy as I am, this REALLY works for me. I really can't say what it is about this crisp; it really just... makes me happy. Like, if you were to heat up some milk to room temperature with a spoon or two of honey whisked in and let it ferment for a few hours. That would probably be the closest thing you'd get to this, I'd think. I will likely be getting this again.

The Asia train don't stop here, but it won't stop next time either in the Asian Market Chronicles. Keep an eye on Random.Access for more reviews in the future, including the much anticipated part 3. Until then, keep it groovy.

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