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Ten years. That's a whole decade. That's the amount of time it will take me to finish the marmalade in my fridge. (I fear for my own safety during those final few years. Does marmalade keep?) Random.access has been going for a full decade, and it's still managed to remain a hidden gem. It takes skill not to be noticed.

In 2005, I established this site with its purpose being an outlet for my thoughts on a variety of media — video games, music, movies, and life in general — as well as a place to put my bizarre sense of creativity to good use. Today, that vision remains more or less the same, although the emphasis on reviews has grown considerably, and the blog-like inane rantings of a confused 20-something have taken a backseat. Now joined by my good friend EscapeRouteBritish, a fellow gaming enthusiast and all-around jolly good chap, and Lydia, a gaming enthusiast and all-around "nerrrrrrd", we're poised on ensuring every visitor finds something of interest and of high quality.

After so many years, we've refined our formula of what that "quality" should look like. Visual and formatting changes, alongside outright removal of what we consider to be inferior (or "awful") content, has made Random.access the coooooool place it is today. Even with much of our off-kilter materials gone (we once had a podcast — it techically qualified as audio, I guess), there's still tons to enjoy. We're proud of our ever-burgeoning game reviews section, as well as our coverage of outlandish unlicensed, hacked, and browser games. We're adding new music reviews from a variety of genres, and the mad electronic choons of SoyBomb will keep you hoppin' for days. We're working on expanding our look at unusual movies, while videographer EscapeRouteBritish supplies us with more than enough gaming videos to survive the apocalypse. And the number of gaming livestreams keeps on growing as we play through the best and the worst the industry has to offer. We also showcase a few oddities, such as some weird Top 10 lists, and a variety of miscellaneous articles covering, well, pretty much anything.

We're also rather conscientious about our materials sometimes containing mature subject matter. As such, we try to put a [NSFW] tag on any article we believe may be unsuitable for the younger readers out there.

I'd like to thank every reader who has come to Random.access. It's been a pleasure writing for ten years for this site — my best net project yet — and I hope to keep it alive for many years to come. Enjoy!

SoyBomb, Editor-in-Chief

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