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Meow Mix
Woodwick Candles
// article by Meow

Other than my name, what keeps people questioning my masculinity are my various interests and soft-spot for adorable things. One such thing that people apparently didn't figure me for is the enjoyment of scented candles. Now, I don't like sickly sweet smelling things (heck, I really don't like overly sweet things in general), and that goes double for perfumed things such as candles, which means normal "cinnamon vanilla sugar spiced pumpkin blend" garbage ain't gonna do it for me. So I took to searching for a candle that suits my needs a little better. And that search eventually lead me to WoodWick candles.

WoodWick candles, shockingly, have wicks made of wood in a cross-shape (or plus, depending on perspective). They're patented by Virginia Gift Brands, the makers of these candles, and they sell these candles on the novelty that the wicks crackle as they burn. And they really do, it's like a miniature bonfire that smells of something special. The candles come in a few sizes, and the two I have is a "normal" size which comes in a nice little decorate jar with what I assume is a wooden cap with which to snuff the candle after burning, and a large size candle that has two wicks with, and is in a nice small bucket of a jar with another wooden cap to fit that one.

The two scents I have are Oak Reserve (I think, I don't have the packaging for it anymore and the scent isn't listed on the jar itself), and Mountain Tea. Oak has a slightly woody scent, with some other oils I can't really point out personally, but lists the fragrance as being "A rich blend of timber wood, oak, moss, and amber with hints of royal hyacinth and pink peppercorn". Mountain Tea has a significantly different scent, having a slightly bitter scent to it that resembles the tea mentioned, and a semi-citrusy scent too. Not overpoweringly fruity, but subtle and pleasant. Reminds me of the smell of laundry washed with a nice detergent.

All in all, these candles smell fairly pleasant but have a bit on the higher end of a price tag, but you get what you pay for as it is a nice quality candle and isn't just "Vanilla sugarfest" that I smell most cheaper candles have. Other scents that interest me are the Leather scented one which... well, it certainly smelled like leather in the store, and I like the smell of leather. There are a fair few, and you can order these online if you're super interested, but if you're in the market for a nice scented candle and happen to see them in the shop, then give 'em a sniff and see if they're for you. If anything, the crackling wick will provide you with a minor novel factor.

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