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Meow Mix
Milwaukee's Pickles
// article by Meow

R.A.'s in a pickle!

Pickled and fermented foods are great. Heck, I brew my own mead and pickle my own cabbage and eggs. And what sort of thing embodies pickling than what is typically just referred to as Pickles themselves: Pickled Cucumbers.

On the bizarre off-chance you don't know what a pickle is, it's a cucumber (a sort of typically elongated gourd-type fruit) stuck into a brine of some sort. Typically vinegar is involved, and dill is a standard favored flavoring. And that's what we have here: a jar of petite pickled cucumbers imported from Wisconsin in the United States.

These cucumbers have a nice not-overly acidic taste, having a nice crunch, though not oppressively tough to bite into due to their small size keeping themselves tender. They're rather snackable, too. The dill isn't overpowering either. I'm not sure when I first discovered these things, but I remember it being significant due to their pleasant flavor. They'd probably be great if used in a home-made relish. A real go-to for me when I want snackable pickles and don't feel like making any myself.

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