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EscapeRouteBritish's Culinary Conquest
Liegeois (Chocolate Flavour)
// article by EscapeRouteBritish

Chocolate Liegeois comes in a plastic pot with a foil lid. It is a thick chocolate dessert topped with actual cream. It is made with gelatin and is therefore unsuitable for vegetarians or those on a strict diet that does not allow ambiguously sourced gelatine.

When peeling back the dessert, I was bombarded with a small blast of cream, probably caused by the pressure of the sealed dessert. This tends to infuriate me, because more often than not a dessert such as this tends to easily stain clothes.

The lid can be fully removed, allowing for one of my favourite pastimes: licking the lid clean. The cream takes on a subtle chocolate taste through having been with the chocolate during transit. The way the dessert is layered, I have to dig the spoon through the cream to get to the chocolate gloop underneath, encouraging the act of layering chocolate and cream into a single spoonful.

Unfortunately the dessert is finished almost as soon as it is started, because one spoonful of delicious dessert beckons another, until I find myself scraping the bottom of the pot trying to lure the remaining dessert out much like Super Mario found himself teasing the Eel from his hiding place. And no more than a fleeting moment after consuming the dessert, I feel as though I have not eaten anything, and it is actually as though I find myself hungrier than I was to begin with.

Therein lies the main problem with a Liegois dessert, and that is that quite simply that it does not provide any long-lasting sating effects, and more often than not leaves me immediately craving another dessert.

This could not be a grazing food for during an intense quest, nor could it be the treat for completing a tough stage or boss battle — it feels not a reward or something substantial. It is no more satisfying to me than the gold rings are to Sonic the Hedgehog — when he has one, he wants another, and another, but they don't provide him with any sustenance. The same goes for me.

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