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Meow Mix
Breyers Gelato - Cookie Dough & Raspberry Cheesecake
// article by Meow

You know ol' Meow loves his dairy. And if you didn't, you do now. Went to the store to pick up some bagels n' cream cheese, and saw that all the ice cream in the store was on sale, and I couldn't help but purchase some. And, of course, I had to try something new. Variety is the spice of life, after all. And what I settled on were two flavors of Breyers Gelato Indulgences.

What attracted me to these glorious containers was the clear tubs showing what's within their chambers, containing colourfully striped gelatos with various sauces, as well as...things on top. Each flavor seemed to have something haphazardly tossed on top. The two flavors I ultimately settled with is the age old Cookie Dough and the glorious Raspberry Cheesecake.


Nothing beats a good cookie dough ice cream. Unfortunately, this gelato falls flat in the cookie dough aspect, though that's not to say this ice cream is bad. The cookie dough pieces are just on top, and they don't really add anything flavor or texture-wise. The gelato itself, though, is an excellent creamy experience, and the fudgey sauce that stripes this complements it well. As a fudge sundae, it works. As a cookie dough fix, it falls short.


I've seen a variety of cheesecake flavored and themed ice creams in my time, but never have I tried one. Well, outside of a shake this one time, but whatever. The gelato itself is a cheesecake-flavored one, and raspberry sauce stripes it, and crumbled of graham crackers rest on top. And honestly, this one was pretty freaking great. I liked the cookie dough one for what it was, but this one pulls through in its namesake. It has the slightly cheesy notes of cream cheese in the gelato, the raspberry sauce is really fruity, and the graham crackers...well, they're graham crackers. Honestly, the toppings seem to be more for garnish than anything with these. I can see myself getting this again some time in the future for sure.

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